How to Make Favorite Nasi Goreng (Indonesian stir fried rice)

Nasi Goreng (Indonesian stir fried rice).

Nasi Goreng (Indonesian stir fried rice) You can cook Nasi Goreng (Indonesian stir fried rice) using 10 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Nasi Goreng (Indonesian stir fried rice)

  1. It’s 2 of plate of cooked rice.
  2. It’s 3 of red chillies.
  3. It’s 2-3 of bird's eye Chillies or as desired.
  4. You need 5 of shallots.
  5. It’s 3 cloves of garlic.
  6. It’s 1-2 tbsp of kecap manis or sweet soy sauce.
  7. Prepare 1 tsp of salt or as desired.
  8. You need 1 tsp of chicken stock powder (optional).
  9. You need of Shrimp paste (optional).
  10. You need 3 tbsp of cooking oil.

Nasi Goreng (Indonesian stir fried rice) step by step

  1. Blend all spices (shallot, garlic, Chilli, shrimp paste if using) use blender or mortar. Heat oil on large wok or pan. Add the mixture of spices. Cook until fragnant..
  2. Add rice then kecap manis, salt and chicken powder, stir constantly until sauce reduces down..
  3. Serve and garnished with green onion, fried egg, fried shallot. Enjoy!.

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