Easiest Way to Make Award-winning Noodle Mix Soup

Noodle Mix Soup.

Noodle Mix Soup You can cook Noodle Mix Soup using 5 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Noodle Mix Soup

  1. You need of Udon thin noodle.
  2. Prepare 1 pack of shrimp dumpling.
  3. Prepare of Some spinach.
  4. Prepare cubes of Pork.
  5. You need slices of Pork.

Noodle Mix Soup step by step

  1. Slice.pork belly into thin slices then add a.little salt.Heat pan and pour oil.Fry the pork until crispy and set aside..
  2. Boil water in a pot and cook noodle.When done remove and save later.Boil again another water then drop one pork cubes.Let it boil then add dumplings and spinach.When ready arrange.noodle in a bowl then pour the soup over the noodles.Serve while its hot.

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